Are you looking for a professional, feature-packed limiter. And you’ve got the L2 – essentially a smart limiter. A true peak limiter is an essential tool for every mastering or mixing engineer. It's full name is the Waves L2 Ultramaximizer. While both function effectively for any kind of situation, L 3 has more flexibility. Portugal hoje o medo de existir pdfescape reviews. Waves L2 Ultramaximizer Peak Limiter and Level Maximizer Plug-in Features at a Glance: Powerful look-ahead brickwall peak limiting and level maximization Manual and Automatic Release Control (ARC) Increased Digital Resolution (IDR) with double precision Bit re-quantization and dither with 9th-order noise-shaping filter. Waves’ L 3 is based on the hardware of L 2 and the usefulness of both L1 and L 2 both as limiters. Multiband peak limiter / level maximizer plugin Linear phase EQ for sweet highs and punchy lows IDR™ Increased Digital Resolution with double precision bit requantization and dither with 9th-order noise shaping filter Master and individual ARC™ Automatic Release Controls Also includes the 元 Ultramaximizer. That’s where the 元 comes in: The world’s first auto-summing multi-band limiter for all-in-one mastering. Whether youre after the Oxford Limiters hallmark transparency or heavier creative effects, its advanced look-ahead processing and unique. For ProTools users only, Massey L2007 is really great.When top mastering engineers sit down behind the board, they need to enhance frequency response and maximize levels while protecting the fidelity of their sources.

Pro-L, Xenon, and DMG all get rave reviews as well. INCLUDED FORMATS: Plug-in Please make a selection above. L1 Ultramaximizer The peak limiting, level maximization and high resolution re-quantization plugin. This comment might get some pushback, but I think every single IZotope limiter sounds terrible. L2 Ultramaximizer by Waves is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. Popular opinion seems to applaud the Izotope limiters (in particular, the latest iteration). They both add color to the sound, so that should be considered. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, it will sound like garbage. 元16 is great if you take the time to learn how to use it. He’s written several posts here about it. Charlie Clouser uses 元-LL (included in the 元 purchase) on his busses.

Waves 元 and 元16 are both special plugins that sound great.

But if that’s what you are after, I think Stealth is the best sounding choice for that. Stealth Limiter (IK) can get way loud with very little artifacting, but i don’t like what any limiter does when trying to just add DBs. Dave Pensado is still using L1 and L2 on most sessions he posts on YouTube.(albeit he mostly mixes pop/rock/country/etc) It is not a brick wall limiter and it isn’t meant to be used to win the loudness wars, but it is the best sounding limiter for that 1db to 3db reduction range.